
The Orcs

Profile Pic
THE ORCS is a collection of 8888 unique hand-drawn Orcs with 500+ attributes living on Solana Blockchain. Each artwork is original, highly detailed, and carries a piece of our own artist. Our artist is obsessed with fantasy-themed ideas and his imagination simply exceeds any praise. Each Orc is unique and holding one or more grants you access to many privileges and rewards. They getting ready to conquer the Earth. Will they succeed?
Floor Price◎ 2.54
Up Icon-1.55%
Average Sale (24h)◎ 2.79
Up Icon1.84%
Currently Listed337
Up Icon0.3%
Volume (24h)◎ 8.37
Up Icon205.51%
Total Volume◎ 93.88k
Up Icon0.01%
Market Cap$ 0.5M
Up Icon-1.33%